Email Listserv

The University Senate listserv is available for the purpose of facilitating communication among faculty and staff. Only CCSU email addresses can subscribe to the listserv. When an email is addressed to a listserv mailing list, it is automatically sent to everyone on the list.

How to Access

When you send a message to the listserv, it is delivered to the Central email address of all subscribers of the listserv. To send a message, simply send an email message from your Central email account to

How to Request:

To subscribe to the listserv: 

  1. Open your Central e-mail account and create a new e-mail message.

  2. Click in the To field and type in the listserv address

  3. Leave the subject field blank.

  4. Send the message. You will receive an e-mail confirmation verifying your subscription.

Additional Information:


If you do not wish to receive messages sent to the listserv, you may opt-out:

  1. Open your Central e-mail account and create a new e-mail message.
  2. Click in the To field and type in the listserv address
  3. Leave the subject field blank.
  4. Send the message. You will receive an e-mail confirming that you have unsubscribed from the specified listserv.

Digest Mode

By choosing digest mode, you would receive only one email from the listserv a day. A listserv digest takes all the messages sent to the listserv in a 24 hour period and compiles them into one message.

Turning Digest Mode On:

  1. Open your Central e-mail account and create a new e-mail message.
  2. Click in the To field and type
  3. Leave the subject field blank.
  4. In the body of the message type set universitysenate digest
  5. Send the message. You will receive an e-mail confirming the change in your subscription.

Turning Digest Mode Off:

  1. Open your Central e-mail account and create a new e-mail message.
  2. Click in the To field and type
  3. Leave the subject field blank.
  4. In the body of the message type set universitysenate mail
  5. Send the message. You will receive an e-mail confirming the change in your subscription.

Article ID: 149
Last updated: 24 Oct, 2024
Revision: 9
BlueNet and Email/Office365 Accounts -> Email Listserv