
IMPORTANT: SelectSurvey is being decommissioned on 6/30/2025. Qualtrics Online Survey Platform is replacing SelectSurvey and is available now to all faculty, staff, and students. We highly recommend you use Qualtrics in place of SelectSurvey.

SelectSurvey.NET is a web-based survey creation tool that can be used to quickly and easily distribute surveys via e-mail or a web site. It is a user-friendly application that allows you to create surveys using over 20 different item/question types and track the results real-time using built-in reporting tools. The surveys are customizable and you can even reuse questions and surveys.

How to Access:

Click here to go to the Survey site. Log in with your BlueNet account username and password (students will need to select "" from the Domain menu). 

How to Request:

Survey Creator access is granted to all users by default. Navigate to, click on the "here" link and log in with your BlueNet username and password (students will need to select "" from the Domain menu). 

Additional Information:

Basic user manual:

Power user manual:

Full user manual: 

Article ID: 115
Last updated: 15 Aug, 2024
Revision: 4
Surveys/Evaluations/Forms -> SelectSurvey