Central CT State University IT and CTI Self Help/Knowledgebase


Article ID: 115
Last updated: 29 Nov, 2022

SelectSurvey.NET is a web-based survey creation tool that can be used to quickly and easily distribute surveys via e-mail or a web site. It is a user-friendly application that allows you to create surveys using over 20 different item/question types and track the results real-time using built-in reporting tools. The surveys are customizable and you can even reuse questions and surveys.

How to Access:

Click here to go to the Survey site. Log in with your BlueNet account username and password (students will need to select "students.ccsu.edu" from the Domain menu). 

How to Request:

Survey Creator access is granted to all users by default. Navigate to https://survey.ccsu.edu, click on the "here" link and log in with your BlueNet username and password (students will need to select "students.ccsu.edu" from the Domain menu). 

Additional Information:

Basic user manual: http://www.classapps.com/Documentation/SelectSurveyNETv5-BasicTraining-Class1.pdf

Power user manual: http://www.classapps.com/Documentation/SelectSurveyNETv5-PowerUserTraining-Class1.pdf

Full user manual: http://www.classapps.com/Documentation/SelectSurveyNETv5-UserManual.pdf 

Article ID: 115
Last updated: 29 Nov, 2022
Revision: 3
Access: Public
Views: 793
Comments: 0