Central CT State University IT and CTI Self Help/Knowledgebase

erPortal (Facilities Management Workorder Request System)

Article ID: 143
Last updated: 29 Dec, 2023

ERPortal (recently replaced by "Llumin") is a web-based system used to enter routine, non-emergency work requests for the Facilities Management Department.

How to Access:

On-campus connected to the wired network:

Click here to access ERPortal, log in with 8-digit number found on your Blue Chip ID card and password provided to you.

On-campus connected to the wireless network or off-campus:

Log into Citrix at https://apps.ccsu.edu. Under Administrative Applications, open ERPortalWorkorders. Log in with 8-digit number found on your Blue Chip ID card and password provided to you.

How to Request:

Contact the ERPortal contact in your department (usually the department secretary) or email Facilities at FacMgtInfo@ccsu.edu

Additional Information:

For EMERGENCY work requests, please call 860-832-2301, Facilities Management.

Chrome is the supported browser.

Article ID: 143
Last updated: 29 Dec, 2023
Revision: 4
Access: Public
Views: 531
Comments: 0