Article ID: 172
Last updated: 29 Nov, 2023
The School of Education and Professional Studies at CCSU has chosen to partner with Taskstream for assessment, accreditation, and continuous improvement. Taskstream advances effective assessment to improve student learning and institutional quality. Taskstream provides online solutions and supporting services to plan and manage assessment processes and demonstrate both student learning achievement and institutional effectiveness for continuous improvement and accreditation. STUDENTS With Taskstream, you have access to a rich set of capabilities that supports your education in meaningful ways, not just a place to turn in assignments. Here are just some of the things you can do with your Taskstream account:
FACULTY Taskstream helps you derive more value from your assessment work so that you can focus on your students and improvements you can make to your courses that lead to better teaching and learning, not just address the requirements of external accreditors. With Taskstream, you can:
For faculty accounts, please contact to create your account and access Taskstream. How to Access:All students within the School of Education and Professional Studies and those in programs leading to teacher certification will be required to submit electronic evidences at various points in their training. Therefore, a Taskstream account is required for all students. Taskstream is accessed through Blackboard. Students should purchase a Taskstream account and access through Blackboard. Click here for instructions on how to set up an account and submit assignments. How To Request:Faculty: To create an account to access Taskstream, contact Additional Information:Useful Faculty Guides: Taskstream Help Center for Evaluators Questions may be directed to
Article ID: 172
Last updated: 29 Nov, 2023
Revision: 5
Views: 688
Comments: 0