Central CT State University IT and CTI Self Help/Knowledgebase

Electronic Test Scoring and Student Opinion Survey Scanning (Scantron)

Article ID: 186
Last updated: 19 Dec, 2022

The machine is located in the CTI (Center for Teaching and Innovation), Elihu Burritt Library Room 306. It is available during CTI regular business hours (see below) on a first-come, first-served basis - calling ahead is encouraged.

Forms for exams (#229633) are available for academic departments to purchase in 500-sheet packs through the Scantron online store at https://store.scantron.

IMPORTANT: Form #229633 is the only exam form that will work on our Scantron machine. Do not attempt to use any other forms, including the Student Opinion Survey forms, for exams.

Alternatively, departments may require students to purchase a 10-pack of exam form #229633 through the campus bookstore.

To add a 10-pack of forms as a required material for a course, contact the Barnes and Noble Textbook Manager at: TM705@bncb.onmicrosoft.com.

Forms for end-of-semester Student Opinion Surveys will continue to be purchased by the IDTRC and are available for pickup during regular business hours.

CTI Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8am - 5pm and Friday: 8am - 4pm

Article ID: 186
Last updated: 19 Dec, 2022
Revision: 3
Access: Public
Views: 664
Comments: 0