Central CT State University IT and CTI Self Help/Knowledgebase

Copy Center Submissions using PaperCut

Article ID: 130
Last updated: 13 Dec, 2022

The Copy Center uses a print management system called PaperCut to streamline the process of submitting and billing print requests to the Copy Center. PaperCut offers more features, with better accessibility, at a lower cost to the university. Existing Copy Center users will only need to enter their CCSU email/Office 365 account to get started with PaperCut. 

How to Access:

  1. Navigate to https://copycenter.ccsu.edu
  2. Click on Sign in with Microsoft. If you are not automatically signed in, enter your CCSU email address and password. 

How to Request:

To request access to PaperCut for submitting jobs to the Copy Center:

  1. Navigate to https://itrequests.ccsu.edu
  2. Login with your CCSU email address and password.
  3. Search for "PaperCut" and select the Request Copy Center PaperCut Access form. 
  4. Complete the form; click Review & Submit; confirm the information and click Submit.

The request is first routed to the Budget approver, and they must reply "approved" to the email in order to initiate the account creation process. You will receive an email when your access is complete. It could take up to 5 days to complete the process.

Additional Information:

The Copy Center is located in Marcus White Annex, inside TechCentral (formerly the Student Technology Center).  Click here to access the Copy Center web page.

Article ID: 130
Last updated: 13 Dec, 2022
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 780
Comments: 0