Central CT State University IT and CTI Self Help/Knowledgebase

Eduroam Wireless

Article ID: 139
Last updated: 21 Nov, 2022

eduroam (educational roaming) is a secure, worldwide roaming wireless access service developed for, and used by, the international research and education community. This reciprocal global authentication system enables CCSU students, faculty, and staff to securely access the eduroam wireless network at more than 6,000 participating locations worldwide. Additionally, visitors from any participating eduroam institution are able to securely connect to the eduroam wireless network at CCSU campus locations using their own credentials.

How to Access:

eduroam is available in all CCSU academic and administrative buildings. The network is accessible to all individuals from participating eduroam institutions, including CCSU students, faculty and staff who have a CCSU BlueNet account. A full list of participating US Institutions is available on the eduroam website. An international map is also available (this may take a while to load).

CCSU BlueNet Account holders: 

We recommend that you first connect while on the CCSU campus to save the network and certificate in your settings – once a device has saved the network, it will be able to automatically connect wherever the eduroam wireless network is available. At participating locations outside of CCSU, you will log in with a modified version of your BlueNet username (BlueNetusername@ccsu.edu, for example if your BlueNet username is AB1234 then you will use ab1234@ccsu.edu as the username) and your BlueNet password. Please note that when you are connected to eduroam from off-campus, you will still need to use Citrix to connect to certain CCSU resources.

To connect on a laptop:

  1. Visit the “eduroam Connect Yourself” web site at https://www.eduroam.org/about/connect-yourself/.
  2. Review the information, then click on the Configuration Assistant Tool link.
  3. Click on the button labeled "eduroam user" and search for Central Connecticut State University.
  4. The site will automatically detect your device type, click on the button for your device and configure it by following the on-screen instructions. If it doesn't automatically detect your device or is incorrect, click on the "All platforms" link to select the appropriate device type.
  5. Your device should automatically connect to the eduroam wireless network. If it does not, open your list of wireless networks and select eduroam.

To connect on a mobile device:

  1. Visit the “eduroam Connect Yourself” web site at https://www.eduroam.org/about/connect-yourself/.
  2. Review the information, then click on the Configuration Assistant Tool link.
  3. On the configuration page, select Central Connecticut State University and then click on the link to continue with the configuration.
  4. Follow the on-screen prompts to install the security certificate.
  5. Your device should automatically connect to the eduroam wireless network. If it does not, open your list of wireless networks and select eduroam.

Every few years CCSU will update the network’s security certificate. When this happens, a notification will appear the next time you try to connect, wherever you are. The process to accept a new certificate is identical to how you connect for the first time.

eduroam guests at CCSU: Open the list of wireless networks on your device and select eduroam. Securely access the eduroam network while at CCSU using your home organization’s login credentials. The credentials used by individual universities/institutions may vary. You may need to contact your home institution's Help Desk for log in assistance.  

How to Request:

The eduroam wireless network is accessible to all individuals from participating eduroam institutions, including CCSU students, faculty and staff who have a CCSU BlueNet account. A full list of participating US Institutions is available on the eduroam website. An international map is also available (this may take a while to load).

Additional Information:

For more information, visit www.eduroam.org.

For configuration information, visit https://www.eduroam.org/about/connect-yourself/

Article ID: 139
Last updated: 21 Nov, 2022
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 1635
Comments: 0