Central CT State University IT and CTI Self Help/Knowledgebase

MATLAB Software

Article ID: 180
Last updated: 21 Jul, 2023

MATLAB Software is a multi-paradigm computing environment. It allows for matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, and creation of user interfaces.

CCSU currently has a campus-wide license available for MATLAB (Windows and Mac). The license provides access for all CCSU students, faculty, and staff on all university-owned, as well as, personally-owned, computers.

How to Request and Access:

Click here for instructions on how to download and install on personally-owned computers.

Campus Classrooms and Labs: Installation can be requested via the Service Request form:

  1. Navigate to https://itrequests.ccsu.edu
  2. Login with your CCSU email address and password.
  3. Search for "Software Installation" and select the Software Installation Request for Classrooms and Labs form. 
  4. Complete the form; click Review & Submit; confirm the information and click Submit.

MATLAB is also available in two places on the Remote Application Server (https://apps.ccsu.edu) - directly on the Apps tab, as well as, on the Desktops tab, go to the General Lab folder which will log you directly into a campus computer.

Additional Information:

Need help getting started? Check out MATLAB Onramp to learn MATLAB is under 2 hours.

CCSU's MATLAB site license gives all students, faculty, and staff access to hands-on learning through Online Training Courses (at no extra cost). This training can be used by beginning users, as well as those looking for more in-depth training. Click here for MATLAB Online Training

Additional MATLAB Resources: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/matlab/index.htm

Article ID: 180
Last updated: 21 Jul, 2023
Revision: 4
Access: Public
Views: 843
Comments: 0