Central CT State University IT and CTI Self Help/Knowledgebase

Minitab Software

Article ID: 181
Last updated: 29 Nov, 2022

Minitab is a statistical analysis program that automates calculations and the creation of graphs, allowing the user to focus more on the analysis of data and the interpretation of results.

How to Request and Access:

CCSU has limited campus licenses available for Minitab (Windows only). The licensing is a "named user" license, where IT will need to assign licenses to faculty and students enrolled in courses where Minitab is required. To request to use Minitab (for students and/or yourself), submit the request form:

  1. Navigate to https://itrequests.ccsu.edu
  2. Login with your CCSU email address and password.
  3. Search for "Minitab" and select the Minitab Request form. 
  4. Complete the form; click Review & Submit; confirm the information and click Submit.

Campus Classrooms and Labs: Installation must be requested via the Service Request form:

  1. Navigate to https://itrequests.ccsu.edu
  2. Login with your CCSU email address and password.
  3. Search for "Software Installation" and select the Software Installation Request for Classrooms and Labs form. 
  4. Complete the form; click Review & Submit; confirm the information and click Submit.

Minitab is available in our Remote Computing Environment

Additional Information:



Article ID: 181
Last updated: 29 Nov, 2022
Revision: 3
Access: Public
Views: 1226
Comments: 0