Central CT State University IT and CTI Self Help/Knowledgebase

Defender Anti-Virus

Article ID: 208
Last updated: 23 Feb, 2024

Defender Antivirus is a built-in antivirus software developed by Microsoft. It provides real-time protection against various types of malware, including viruses, spyware, and other malicious software. Defender Antivirus continuously monitors the system for suspicious activities and files, scans incoming and outgoing data, and automatically removes or quarantines threats to prevent them from harming your computer. It also includes features such as periodic system scans, firewall integration, and cloud-based protection for up-to-date threat detection.

How to Access:

Defender runs in the background and alerts IT of potential issues. 

How to Request:

Defender is automatically installed on all CCSU-owned computers. 


Article ID: 208
Last updated: 23 Feb, 2024
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 194
Comments: 0