Central CT State University IT and CTI Self Help/Knowledgebase

BlueTrack Tracking Tool

Article ID: 121
Last updated: 21 Jul, 2023

The BlueTrack Tracking Tool is used to track active students, faculty, and staff who attend an event or use a facility on campus.  The program is run from device with a swipe reader attached to it.  Blue Chip ID cards are swiped on the reader to determine if the person is allowed access.

The BlueTrack Reporting Tool goes along with the Tracking Tool.  It gives users reports from information gathered using the Tracking Tool.

How to Access:

BlueTrack Tracking Tool is accessed via the Secure Enclave.

How to Request:

Click here for the steps necessary to set up BlueTrack in a department. 

Additional Information:

BlueTrack Tracking Tool Instructions 

Article ID: 121
Last updated: 21 Jul, 2023
Revision: 4
Access: Public
Views: 573
Comments: 0