Central CT State University IT and CTI Self Help/Knowledgebase

Hyland OnBase (formerly ImageNow/WebNow)

Article ID: 145
Last updated: 21 Nov, 2022

Hyland OnBase is the web-based imaging software that replaced ImageNow/WebNow. 

How to Access:

  • Access requires specific approval. 
  • Upon approval access via the Secure Enclave. 

How to Request:

Complete the Banner/Hyperion/OnBase/Slate Request form linked on https://www.ccsu.edu/it/accountrequests.html and specify your request in the "Other Access" field. 

Additional Information:

Training and documentation are located on the Hyland Documentation Library page. 
Article ID: 145
Last updated: 21 Nov, 2022
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 521
Comments: 0