Central CT State University IT and CTI Self Help/Knowledgebase

Secure Enclave (Secure Apps)

Article ID: 167
Last updated: 26 Jul, 2023

The Secure Enclave is a secure Citrix environment used to access systems and applications that contain DCL3 data. The Secure Enclave provides a high security environment to access systems and applications such as Banner INB, Hyperion Reporting, OnBase, Slate and custom applications with access to Banner data. The Secure Enclave requires two-factor authentication using Microsoft multi-factor authentication (MFA). With two-factor authentication, you will need to use a mobile device or phone number to approve access to the Secure Enclave. 

How to Access:

To access the Secure Enclave from a CCSU-owned computer (wired connection or via ccsu-bluenet wireless on a computer with the Global Protect VPN):

  1. Open your browser and navigate to https://secureapps.ccsu.edu.
  2. Click on the Continue button.
  3. At the Office 365 Sign in screen, enter your CCSU email address and password, then authenticate using Microsoft MFA.
  4. Click on the Secure Apps Desktop icon to access the Citrix Secure Apps Desktop. 
  5. Open Banner, Hyperion, Slate or OnBase from the icon on the Citrix Secure Apps desktop.

To access the Secure Enclave from a personally-owned computer (or a CCSU-issued computer without the VPN), you must log into the Remote Application Server and use the Desktop app. 

How to Request:

Access to the Secure Enclave is granted with Banner INB, Hyperion, Slate, or OnBase access. Click here to request access to these systems.

Additional Information:

  • Printing in the Secure Enclave - the Secure Enclave will not connect automatically to the printers installed on your computer. In order to have network printers connected in the Secure Enclave, please email your request to the IT Help Desk at techsupport@ccsu.edu
  • Files containing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) must be stored in the P Drive within the Secure Enclave. The T Drive (transfer drive) is used to transfer files between your email/local computer and the P Drive (click here for details about the P and T drives).
Article ID: 167
Last updated: 26 Jul, 2023
Revision: 7
Access: Public
Views: 1749
Comments: 0