Central CT State University IT and CTI Self Help/Knowledgebase

P Drive and T Drive Netshares for Files Containing PII

Article ID: 160
Last updated: 21 Jul, 2023

The P drive netshare is used to store files containing PII and is only accessible in the Secure Enclave (Secure Apps, https://secureapps.ccsu.edu). 

How to Access:

The P drive is only accessible in Secure Apps (https://secureapps.ccsu.edu), it can be located in File Explorer (the yellow folder icon).  In conjunction with the P drive, you also have a T drive (transfer drive) on your CCSU-issued computer to use to transfer files from your email or local computer to the P drive. The T drive is automatically created for anyone with access to Secure Apps. 

On Windows computers, the T drive is mapped automatically.

On Macs, you will need to connect to the T drive:

  1. Click Go/Connect to Server
  2. Type: smb://fs3.facstaff.ccsu.edu/transfer/bluenetusername (replace bluenetusername with your actual BlueNet username)
  3. Click Connect

To move files from the T drive on your computer to the P drive in Secure Apps:

  1. First save the file(s) from your email or computer to the T drive netshare (transfer drive).
  2. From within Secure Apps, open both the "T drive" and the "P drive" from File Explorer (the yellow folder icon).
  3. Click and drag (or cut and paste) the file(s) from the T drive folder to the P drive folder.

Please note, files must be moved out of the T drive within 24 hours otherwise they are deleted. 

How to Request:

P drives are set up by department. If your department does not have one, the department head needs to fill out the request form following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to https://itrequests.ccsu.edu
  2. Login with your CCSU email address and password.
  3. Search for "P Drive". 
  4. Complete the form; click Review & Submit; confirm the information and click Submit.

Additional Information:

Article ID: 160
Last updated: 21 Jul, 2023
Revision: 4
Access: Public
Views: 847
Comments: 0