Article ID: 160
Last updated: 21 Jul, 2023
The P drive netshare is used to store files containing PII and is only accessible in the Secure Enclave (Secure Apps, How to Access:The P drive is only accessible in Secure Apps (, it can be located in File Explorer (the yellow folder icon). In conjunction with the P drive, you also have a T drive (transfer drive) on your CCSU-issued computer to use to transfer files from your email or local computer to the P drive. The T drive is automatically created for anyone with access to Secure Apps. On Windows computers, the T drive is mapped automatically. On Macs, you will need to connect to the T drive:
To move files from the T drive on your computer to the P drive in Secure Apps:
Please note, files must be moved out of the T drive within 24 hours otherwise they are deleted. How to Request:P drives are set up by department. If your department does not have one, the department head needs to fill out the request form following the steps below:
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Article ID: 160
Last updated: 21 Jul, 2023
Revision: 4
Views: 847
Comments: 0