Central CT State University IT and CTI Self Help/Knowledgebase

WebCentral-Banner Web (Self-Service Banner)

Article ID: 177
Last updated: 25 Jan, 2023

WebCentral-Banner Web is the online administration system for CCSU. From WebCentral-Banner Web all Blue Chip cardholders can deposit to their accounts. Faculty can access class rosters, student information, advising information, and enter final grades. Students are able to access course registrations, grades and transcripts, e-billing, financial aid, and add or drop classes. They can make housing and admissions deposits, and pay for classes. Students may search under various criteria for classes and the system checks class registration selections against their current schedule for any conflicts. Undergraduate Matriculated students or a Graduate students without a Planned Program, need an Alternate PIN which is available through their academic advisor or the Center for Advising and Career Exploration.

How to Access:

  1. Go to CentralPipeline from CCSU homepage.
  2. Click on WebCentral-Banner Web.
  3. At the Office 365 log in screen, enter your CCSU email address then click Next.
  4. Enter your password, then approve the multi-factor authentication (MFA) verification request using your 2nd device (mobile device or phone). If you would like to reduce the number of times you are prompted for MFA, check the box that reads “Don’t ask again for 14days.”
  5. You will then be logged into WebCentral-Banner Web and brought to the Home tab.

Additional Information:

Clearing Browser Cache - at times, it may be necessary to clear the web browser cache to successfully log in to WebCentral. Click here for instructions on how to clear cache in any web browser. 

Password Reset: To reset your BlueNet account and CCSU email password, navigate to https://accounts.ccsu.edu.

Student Registration - detailed instructions for web registration are located under the Help menu in WebCentral-Banner and on the Registrar's web site at www.ccsu.edu/registrar.

Faculty WebCentral guide - detailed instructions for accessing class lists, entering final grades, and viewing student information are located at https://www.ccsu.edu/registrar/facultyResources.html

Article ID: 177
Last updated: 25 Jan, 2023
Revision: 3
Access: Public
Views: 946
Comments: 0