Central CT State University IT and CTI Self Help/Knowledgebase


Article ID: 81
Last updated: 29 Dec, 2023

This section contains documentation about assignments, tests, surveys, and pools.


Assignments allow students to submit work to be graded by the instructor.

Create an Assignment (Documentation)

Create an Assignment (Video)

Edit or Delete an Assignment (Documentation)

Edit or Delete an Assignment (Video)

SafeAssign is a Blackboard feature which can check for plagiarism in assignments.

SafeAssign Guide


Tests are online assessments in which students answer questions to earn points, similarly to in person exams. They can be used to evaluate a student's performance in a course.

Differences between Tests, Surveys, and Pools

Create a Test (Documentation)

Create a Test (Video)

Edit a Test (Documentation)

Edit a Test (Video)

Randomize Test Answer Order

Copy a Test Within a Course

Copy a Test Between Courses

Setting Up Test Options

Test exceptions allow you to override settings for specific users, such as the time limit and availability.

Add Test Exception (Documentation)

Setting up Test Availability (Video)

Respondus is a program which can be used to build a test.

Respondus Guide


This section contains documentation related to grading assessments. For more information about grading in Blackboard, refer to the Grading page.

Clear an Exam or Assignment Attempt in Gradebook

Grade Assignments using BB Annotate (Documentation)

Grade Assignments using BB Annotate (Video)

Article ID: 81
Last updated: 29 Dec, 2023
Revision: 31
Access: Public
Views: 819
Comments: 0