Central CT State University IT and CTI Self Help/Knowledgebase

Building Your Course

Article ID: 194
Last updated: 2 Jul, 2024

Blackboard features many different tools which can be used in building your course. These documents will teach you how to use them.

Pre-Built Templates

Importing a pre-built template is recommended for faculty who are building a course for the first time.

Access and Upload Prebuilt Templates

 This guide will show you how to download the library resources module and add it to a Blackboard course shell.

Adding Library Resources to a Blackboard Course

Content Management

These links will teach you how to create areas where you can put your course content.

Add/Create a Content Area (documentation)

Add/Create a Content Area (short video)

Upload Files to Content Area

Upload Items to Content Area

Edit Content Area Visibility

Add Content Folder (documentation)

Add Content Folder (short video)

Edit Image of Course Card on Course page

Tool Links

Blackboard allows you to add many different tools to your course. These links will teach you how to add and use them.

Add a Tool Link (documentation)

Add a Tool Link (short video)

Add a Web Link (documentation)

Add a Web Link (short video)

Add Media Gallery Tool Link (documentation)

Add an Announcements Page (documentation)

Add an Announcements Page (short video)

Create a Discussion Board (documentation)

Create a Discussion Board (short video)


Groups allow you to group together students for collaboration purposes.

Create Groups (documentation)

Create Groups (short video)

Student Preview Mode

The Student Preview mode allows you to review the course content from a student perspective. This is useful after adding content so you are confident it will look correct for your students. 

Student Preview Mode

Article ID: 194
Last updated: 2 Jul, 2024
Revision: 17
Access: Public
Views: 633
Comments: 0